Taking linear lights to new heights.

Rich Brilliant Willing recently teamed up with SERA Architects, Absolute Resource, and ELCOR Electric to integrate Enlightened sensors into their bestselling Queue pendant.

This allowed the Queues to function using custom sensor technology which would then monitor electricity use, occupancy, and the use of natural light within a large California tech campus.

High-quality LEDs, when combined with a measured level of natural illumination, is beneficial for both mood and productivity, as well as the atmosphere and aesthetics of an interior space.

As we see an increase in smart lighting technology, the potential for data to be collected from light fixtures grows. Soon, most office lighting may come with occupancy sensors, daylight detection and energy consumption statistics.

So why use the Queue for this project?

Queue pendants can be attached end-to-end, creating linear beams of light which are strong, reliable and practical. They were originally conceived as a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to standard office lighting fixtures.

They can produce either direct or indirect light (or both), making them a useful element in creating a well-lit and soothing yet productive space.



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