Green up your act with biophilic lighting.

The biophilia hypothesis suggests that humans have an innate need to seek connection with nature. Think about pets, houseplants and gardens; most of us have one or more of these things. They provide us with a connection to the natural world and therefore a greater sense of happiness and fulfilment.

All five of our senses – touch, taste, sight, smell and sound – are highly receptive to nature. This is why the smell of fresh grass or the sound of birds singing might make us feel pleased. Furthermore, we all love the feeling of sunlight on our skin; it’s been proven to regulate serotonin and melatonin levels in the brain, boosting our cognitive function, mood and sleep patterns.

So how can we incorporate all of this into our everyday spaces, in order to reap the benefits of the biophilic design?

Biophilic lighting design strategies may include:

  • Dynamic, colour-tunable lighting. This takes into account our Circadian rhythm, as our body responds best to cool light around midday and warmer light in the morning and evening.
  • A high Colour Rendering Index. The higher the CRI, the closer it is to resembling daylight.
  • Incorporating plant matter.
  • Incorporating natural finishes such as stone, wood grain and wool.

The Duo skylight by Vibia features a steam-bent oak interior, which helps to cast a relaxing glow over any space. The toasty wood-grain finish complements other interior elements such as timber floors and furniture, and with a high CRI, you’re as close to daylight as it gets.

The Palma series by Vibia comes with a bowl for potting hardy houseplants such as ferns or ivy. Suspend Palma pendants in a hotel lobby, stairwell void, restaurant or café, and watch each plant grow and cascade – creating a beautiful design statement while tapping into our innate love of nature. The definition of biophilic lighting. 



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